Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Journal....maybe... maybe not..

A couple of days ago I saw a brief story on CBC Compass speculating that the Journal Pioneer in Summerside might be closing down and since I only caught the tail end of the story I decided to do a search in our local media outlets to get the full scoop on the story. But as it turns out there was nothing I could find and not even on CBC... so what's the scoop... it appeared from the end of the news account that the Publisher was denying all speculation and the paper was in fine shape... he may very well be right but it's been my experience that large corporations like Transcontinental Media Inc. don't always necessarily share their business plans with the "locals"... that being said the Journal has been an Island institution that has been well supported by the Community over the years and I understand when it was in Conrad Black's hands it was quite profitable.... Summerside is a pretty small market and in today’s economy you can bet your bottom dollar that some bean counter somewhere is taking a pretty serious look at the operation and I'd be surprised at the end of the day if they just don't merge it with the Guardian... "Covers Prince Edward Island Like The Dew" and that includes Summerside..... probably with a Summerside section sometime soon….


Anonymous said...

The CBC clip (with Stephen Pate's commentary on the bottom) is here:

Anonymous said...

I've noticed the past few months that the format and content of The Journal has been getting similar (if not the same in some cases) as The Guardian. My guess is that you will see one paper on PEI sometime in 2009 with reporter outlets or small ancilliary offices scattered throughout the province for various logistical reasons.

Given the small geographic territory and population coupled with rising costs and more folks getting news from the web this is probably long overdue. Perhaps a Sunday Edition could be a nice addition.

Anonymous said...

couple of days ago I seen a brief story on CBC Compass speculating that the Journal Pioneer

Real. Good. Grammar.

Tim Banks said...

I guess it probably should have been "saw" as opposed to seen but look I only got to grade 10 in high school so I'm not even really sure about this correction...

Anonymous said...

And if we want to be pedantic, it should be "Really. Good. Grammar."

People who live in glass houses should dress in the basement.

Anonymous said...

The crystal ball is still predicting a consolidation of the two papers, particularly in light of today's breaking news....