Monday, January 5, 2009

Island Boy.... "Senior Charlottetown Senator???"....

Mikey boy, I believe you big time that you're an "Islander".... but my family has been here for over EIGHT generations.... we're in the 1880 Meacham's Atlas of PEI, we have hundreds in our family tree, we've garnered hundreds of PNP's .... and I'm still have trouble trying to pass myself off as an Islander. Mike did a great job confronting the media on this issue and so he should… as he's been doing just that for years... I personally think it's a great appointment and I'm sure Mike will put everything into it, but I'm not so hung up on the Islander issue... I'm more interested in how the future Senate Elections will turn out in Charlottetown as Senator Downe seems to have the upper hand walking that "super dog" around his neighbourhood and chatting everyone up... So Mikey don't take it personally.... take my advice if you want to win the hearts of Islanders and a permanent seat in the Senate... buy a Porsche like me and ride around with the top down... then everyone will know you're from the Island...
'I'm from the Island'
The Guardian
Mike Duffy says there is nothing controversial about his appointment to the Senate because he feels there are no issues with his residency. Duffy, a well-known CTV newsman, made the comments Monday afternoon shortly after arriving at the Charlottetown Airport on a flight from Ottawa. When Duffy was appointed last week, many people were surprised because he only spends a limited time on the Island and a stipulation in the Constitution Act states senators must reside in the province for which they are appointed. However, residency is not clearly defined and leaves room for ambiguity. Duffy said there were no problems concerning the legal end of his appointment and there should be no question over his residency and complaints he is not living on P.E.I. “I have two homes here. I’m from the Island,’’ he said. There will always be people complaining about the issue, Duffy said. “I’ll always remember where I came from.” Duffy was born in Sherwood and his mother still lives here. He has a summer home in Stanley Bridge and co-owns a home in Charlottetown with his brother. Duffy visits and vacations extensively on P.E.I. as well. The fact he spends a great deal of time in Ottawa and not on the Island is no different than any other senator or MP, Duffy said. “They’re expected to be at work in Ottawa.” Before the call from the prime minister came, he wondered what he would do if that call ever came, since he was only two and a half years away from retirement. He heard some people talking about retirement and not being involved anymore, Duffy said. “They were miserable.” He didn’t want to sit at home in a couple of years, wondering what if, and being miserable, Duffy said. “We don’t do this for the money, we do this to stay in the game.” His opinion on the Senate was clear before taking the appointment and he agreed there is a need for change, Duffy said. “Frankly, I (thought) we should cure it or kill it.” As for why he is on the Island, it’s a simple reason, Duffy said.“It’s part of my job.”


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very nice......

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have to get over this issue about being an Islander. Don't worry about what others may say or think if you were born on the island and live there, there is no debate! I am unfortunately only an islander at heart...., but my perception has always been that no one treats me any differently. With regard to Mike, if he meets all legal requirements then debate is closed as long as he does represent the island interests satisfactorily.

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone (goooood girl) wants a 'drive' in a Porsche.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think he would get more attention walking a good dog?