Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gong Show....bong, bong...Dion Gone (by Thursday)..

Let's face it Dion must go after that amateur show the other night on TV... I'm embarrassed to think that I might have supported this guy.... he tried to blame his performance on his staff which is a total cop out... bottom line is that they report to him and he has to take the responsibility.... in the 39 years that I have been involved in the Liberal party I have seen us do a lot of embarrassing things but I can honestly say that his performance on TV the other night wins the prize.... Bong !!!! Bong!!! Bong!!! Dion you're gone.... and it better be by Thursday.....
Dion must go, former Liberal deputy PM says
Saturday, December 6, 2008
CBC News
Stéphane Dion is facing calls from a senior party stalwart to immediately give up his post, the latest example of waning support for the Liberal leader within his own party.
Former Liberal deputy prime minister John Manley said the Liberal caucus and party executive should move to choose a new leader before Christmas who can get the caucus ready for the resumption of Parliament in January.
"As a Liberal, I believe the first step for my party is to replace Stéphane Dion as leader with someone whose first job is to rebuild the Liberal party, rather than leading a coalition with the NDP," Manley said in an opinion piece in Saturday's Globe and Mail.
His comments come two days after Prime Minister Stephen Harper persuaded the Governor General to suspend Parliament and ward off, at least for the moment, the demise of his minority Conservative government.
That move came after the Liberals and NDP agreed to form a coalition headed by Dion and aimed at ousting Harper's government, which the opposition accuses of failing to propose an adequate plan to deal with the economic crisis.
Manley said the idea that the public would welcome Dion as prime minister after having rejected him during the Oct. 14 federal election "was delusional at best."
"Mr. Dion had seemed to accept responsibility for the defeat (although somewhat reluctantly), and should have left his post immediately" after the vote, wrote Manley, who is now counsel at McCarthy Tétrault LLP.
"Furthermore, in agreeing to the terms of the coalition with the NDP and the Bloc, Mr. Dion bound his successor to a controversial arrangement without even consulting any of the candidates to succeed him in the process, leaving them no option but to endorse it or break with him as party leader."
An EKOS poll conducted Thursday night found 60 per cent of Canadians surveyed think Dion should resign as Liberal leader in light of what has happened on Parliament Hill this week.
By comparison, 37 per cent of respondents said they think Harper should step down.
In total, a random sample of 1,502 Canadians aged 18 and over responded to the telephone survey. A sample of this size provides a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.With files from the Canadian Press


Anonymous said...

larry, curly and moe or stephen the sweater.....hmmm tough choice ..i choose OTHER

Anonymous said...

It's starting to look more and more like the liberals would like to change the whole system and just appoint leaders rather than elect them at all.