Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Love You, Man....

I had a "little chat" with my good friend Minister Vessey today about my previous post, which he was probably disappointed with, but like I said to him... "I Love You, Man"... in fact I don't know anyone who works harder at the job of representing their constituents than he does and he brings this same spirit to work as our Province's Tourism Minister... but please stop hanging around with those "spin doctors" in your Department....

"Everyone" knows your Department hit a home run with Regis and Kelly and that our Province got a "major bang for their buck" with this promo but whoever in your Department felt they should throw out a press release saying it was worth $22.6 million was only trying to stroke the Department’s ego...

I like how Businessman John Bragg reacted this week when the media were demanding he disclose the dollar amount he donated to UPEI in the name of our great Islander David Rodd... after a number of attempts Mr. Bragg's response was "well, it's more than $10."... Mr. Bragg really didn't have to throw out the amount to prove anything but he did prove to me that he's a class act and he didn't have to banter the amount of his donation around to prove it....

Minister Vessey is a class act “meat and potatoes type guy” and while I’m sure “they” would like to change him to a “foie gras and risotto type man”... I’m pretty sure he’ll stick to the “bread and butter” common sense that got him elected... Like I said in my previous post I'm always entertained when I see one of those press releases from our Tourism Department...

“I Love You, Man.”

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