Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Where are our “Priorities”... don’t ask the City...

When I step back and watch how our City is administered I am sometimes amazed at how they come up with their "priorities" when it comes to getting the best bang out of our tax dollars.... and I could be off the mark here so I put together a little survey to the left of my blog which may give us all a sense of where our City "priorities" should be with respect to spending money on improving the traffic flow in our City.... so I've used the $1,500,000 improvement to Allen Street as a example.... so should we spend our tax dollars on improving the flow and appearance on University Ave or should we spend it at the "Action Corner" which may soon be the "Action Roundabout" if Clifford and Mitch get their way... Please take a moment to share your view as my guess is it will be significantly different than what the City are doing....


Anonymous said...

… and what about North River Road? Cornwall / West Royalty keeps expanding; new homes, businesses etc. and nothing has been done to improve this section of road!

Anonymous said...

How about the Peter Pan intersection?
They put enough asphalt down to land a 747. Yet only one lane of traffic coming from the by-pass. Line-ups are worse in the morning now than before the "improvements".